Divide up your class and hand them the cards. You’ll need several sets, according to how many groups of children you plan to use. Before the class, write the Lord’s prayer on index cards, one word or sentence at a time. Really have fun with it! Say something like, “Oh no! I see some misspelled words! Let’s start over!” Ask kids to stand and write the words in the air as they repeat them back. (Even kids that are learning to spell would enjoy it.) Recite the Lord’s prayer one word or sentence at a time.
Write it in the sky! If you have a class full of kids who can spell, this is a fun game.
Choose one or two or use them all! Introducing activities into a lesson gives children the opportunity to activate their faith on what they’ve learned. Teaching the Lord’s prayer? Remember that teaching time for kids should include a bit of fun! If you’re looking for some Lord’s prayer activities, you can’t beat these ideas.